Wednesday, August 22, 2007

An honest question

When I was in high school, I came across a quote that went something like, "To see God in everything makes life the greatest joy there is." I do believe that God is present all over the place, so I believe this statement until I read something like this article. The author is describing her trip to the mattress store to buy a queen-sized bed.

From the article:

"Scott the Mattress Salesman asked how much I wanted to spend, then showed me two sleeping beauties in my price range. The good news was that he wasn't really Scott the Mattress Salesman, but Scott the Regional Manager Posing as Mattress Salesman. He explained that they'd fired the store's manager just the day before and he was covering until the new guy could start. And because he couldn't earn any commission, he knocked the 100 bucks the salesman would have pocketed off the already reduced price. "You came in on the right day," he said. I smiled and exchanged a knowing glance with Ingrid. We'd been trying to schedule this shopping excursion for a couple weeks. Obviously God had helped us pick the right day."

To me, this elaborate story is just a clever ruse to make the buyer of said mattress feel like she had saved $100 on a mattress, when Scott the Mattress Salesman really could have sold the mattress for $200 lower. But what do I know?

That is not the honest question. The honest question is, have I become too cynical?


Mrs. Harmon said...

I blame it on the business classes :)

Anonymous said...

Mattress salesmen suck!