Thursday, February 07, 2008

Curse you, writer's strike!!!

Here's hoping the rumors are true that the parties in the writer's strike have come to an agreement.

We have reached the critical hour. Not only have I been without new Office episodes for almost three months, my DVR is almost completely empty!! I'm actually watching a commercial right now! What's a girl to do? Read?!?


Derek said...

I can hear the desperation in your words! We're working our way through season 3 of Friends (you know, back when it was still funny). We'll just have to wait out the strike and eat lots of high fructose corn syrup to keep our brains mushy in the meantime! :-)

But if you must read, here is a good book.

Mrs. Harmon said...

I second that...only I have no tv on dvd :( I think this is all a plot to move DVD's. That's my 2 cents.