Tuesday, March 20, 2007

A Music Recommendation

I'm going to skip the whole "I haven't blogged in a while because..." If you look to the right, you'll notice it now says "Ohio" under my name. That's right, I now live in another midwestern state with a name made up mostly of vowels. The similarities between Iowa and Ohio do not end there! There is lots of farmland here, too, which is what is keeping me employed! I just got all moved into my new place today, and all but one room is cleared of boxes!

There's a CD, Carried Away by Andrew Peterson, that I think everyone should hear. I think I got it the summer after my freshman year in college, which is almost seven years ago, (!), so this might be old news to some. I listen to this CD about once a year...I rediscovered it today while unpacking. Every time I hear it, I wonder why I don't I listen to more Andrew Peterson? The music is nice to have on in the background, but I'm always drawn in by the stories he tells with his lyrics. Has anyone else listened to him? I'm wondering if his other CDs are as terrific as this one.

Also, my sister is on YouTube with her Youth Encounter team! (There are two videos out there.) Thanks to the Slefanizer for telling me about it.

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