Thursday, October 07, 2004

Why Mom can always make me smile

This was my mom's response to learning I had a blog (on IM):
"I don't exactly know what a BLOG is but I did read yours. yes, i would VEHEMENTLY deny that I'm worried about your single status. but at least i was quoted on some web thing!"

Mom, now you've been quoted twice!! I love you because you're sweet and you're probably one of two people who actually reads this! ;)

1 comment:

Derek said...



I just discovered your blog, I'm so excited! I feel like a kid in a candy store! Except.. there are only three pieces of candy and I already ate them all. Post some more candy! ;)

Yesterday on my lunch break I made a comic in microsoft paint -- it's at (a blog Johnathan Fowler and I share, although it's mostly just funny links we find). There's also a follow up comic making fun of Colin, who made fun of my misspelling of "fallopian." Now you should be intrigued!
