Tuesday, November 25, 2008

What would you do with $74,000??

So, it's estimated that the government has committed $8.5 trillion towards the "financial crisis" that we're hearing so much about that it's been blamed for bad marriages staying together, the fall of reality TV, (as if there's really no other reason for that), and the increased demand for Spam. Bad times, eh?

This 8.5 trillion, by the way, doesn't take into account bailing out the Big 3 auto companies, who are asking for a mere $25 billion. Someone please tell me when $25,000,000,000 started to seem like an absolute pittance!

According to the latest census, and projections related to it, there will be 115 million households in the US in 2010. If my math is right, $8.5 trillion divided 115 million ways is almost $74,000 per household. I'd take it, wouldn't you? Can you imagine what this would do for most of the people who are underwater on their mortgages? What about those worried about Christmas? Would there still be polls showing that consumer confidence is low? How many different ways could you spend $74,000??

I know I don't have the slightest idea how all this money will save our economy, and I'd like to trust that there's someone behind all this who does have an idea. But I'm not sure I do, and wow, that is a tough pill to swallow.

In other news, it looks like Robert Gates will still be the Defense Secretary under Obama. Gig 'em.

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